Rider | Value | ||
1 | snowkiteroccaraso | 24.48 kts | |
2 | charlie | 0.73 kts |
Rider | Value | ||
1 | snowkiteroccaraso | 23.76 kts | |
2 | charlie | 0.29 kts |
Rider | Value | ||
1 | snowkiteroccaraso | 6.71 kts | |
2 | charlie | 0.00 kts |
Rider | Value | ||
1 | snowkiteroccaraso | 11.20 kts | |
2 | charlie | 0.00 kts |
We still have no data collected for Builders Rank in the current discipline. You can help us uploading new tracks and modifying already uploaded tracks to specify equipments You used. Come back any time! |
We are able to calculate many parameters in Windsports. Wind direction, if the rider makes tack or jybe, numbers of switches for many racing formats: For the New IQfoil we analyse and reward the rider in different race parametes: - Best 200m speed, - Best400m - Best 1000m - Jybe and tack speed - Jybe and Tack VMG.
We provide also other information: Number of switches, Avg VMG.
Track requirments: At least 20 minutes and 20 switches.
Score system: Each parameter will be associated with a rider position and the ranking is determined by the sum of the rider's positions in the race parameters chosen.Minor wins...